unnecessary inconvenience to the Adjoining Owners or any Adjoining Occupiers.
Most Adjoining Owners like to include a Schedule of Condition in the agreement, this is photographic record of the condition of the parts of their property considered to be most at risk from the works, however this is not a requirement of the Act.
The Building Owner (the party undertaking the works) is responsible for the fees of both their own and the Adjoining Owner’s Surveyor.
If you are an Adjoining Owner and your neighbour is carrying out building works I can:
advise you of your rights under the Party Wall etc Act
protect your property from potential damage and yourself from undue inconvenience.
agree an Award between yourself and your neighbour undertaking building works, referencing working times and possibly securities.
Note, under the Act, the building owner doing the works is required to pay your Surveyor’s costs.